What they do?

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  • Project Admins own the projects where the contributors are free to contribute in the form of documentation, bug fixes or adding new features.
  • PAs have to routinely connect with mentors to discuss about the progress, proceedings & future vision of the project.
  • PAs are responsible for final reviews, merging PRs, assigning labels, guiding the mentors in the review process & resolving doubts in server.
  • Mentors review the Pull Requests, check for plagiarism, and suggest changes based on the project's Contribution guidelines.
  • They solve queries, debug issues faced by contributors & are responsible for guiding contributors actively throughout the program.
  • Contributors should feel free to ask their doubts within the GSSoC server/Github project repositories.
  • Contributors actively and consistently contribute to the projects after they're assigned to a particular issue by a PA/mentor.
  • The contributors are free to choose & contribute to multiple projects but they need to submit PRs to the assigned issues within the fixed time bar set by the particular project; failing to do so shall result in reassigning of the issue to someone else.

How they do ?

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Project Admin
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